Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Summer of Pixar Look 11: Toy Story 3- Losto Huggin' Bear

Welcome to Sunnyside…

Toy Story 3 has to be one of the most solid sequels of all time, and especially in the Pixar universe. Not that there’s much competition in the Pixar universe- CARS 2. It’s a truly heartwarming story that could honestly be a stand- alone film, although to be 100% honest I’m not entirely sure why we had to cut almost half of our cast in one fail swoop of “they were sold at a garage sale”. Like- I would almost rather them not address Bo Peep’s absence than have them be like “yep, she and everyone else you knew and loved for the past two movies are gone. We literally sold them. We honestly could not justify having THREE female doll characters in one film, but don’t worry, we threw in a new dinosaur for you”. Like at least Barbie is shown as a strong, feminine woman because honestly I was getting so tired of our only female strength coming from Jessie- the most annoying character of all time.

For Toy Story 3 I had to bound as Lotso Huggin’ Bear. I decided for this look to really hail back to a glorification of my pre—school days, as the film primarily takes place at Sunny Side Daycare with pre-school aged children. Of course when I say a “glorification” I really mean “a complete dramatization of what I imagine it would have been like for me if I was a normal child in pre-school”- my mother always had my sister and I dressed in custom dresses with matching bows and white patent leather shoes which we never scuffed. If this doesn’t explain to you why I am the way I am, I don’t know what will. I knew that for this outfit, overalls were the most necessary component, so I found some adorable raspberry colored ones on Depop. Fun fact about these overalls: they are actually child sized and I physically could not bend over to tie my shoes while I was wearing them. I layered the overalls over a tan top to mimic Lotso’s tan belly. For shoes, I went with a classic pink Converse All-Star sneaker, but of course, because I am me, they are completely covered in Swarovski crystals.

For me, the absolute key component to this look was the pink puff balls for my hair. Luckily, there’s a super fun story to how I made them! The day that I was shooting Lotso, I was meeting a friend at the park. I had my entire outfit ready, minus the puff balls, but I knew that they sold them at Daiso Japan as I had seen them there before. So the morning I was shooting I went to Daiso as soon as they opened and of course, they no longer carried them. After having a mini panic attack in the store, and realizing that there was no time to find them anywhere else, I knew I had to improvise. I found a similar base to what I was looking for- two plastic buttons on a hair tie, and by the grace of God, I found a “make your own bunny out of pipe cleaners” kit that came with enormous pink pipe cleaners. I bought those and in the time it took me too get from Euclid to Disneyland Drive on the 5 South, I had made the perfect pink puff balls, which just goes to show you that with a little creativity, you can achieve exactly what you want with minimal effort.

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