While in the planning process for the Summer of Pixar, it occured to me that every Pixar film focuses around a male lead, until Brave. Unfortunately, Brave was not good. To quote a real artist that actually knows what he's talking about (who also happens to be a future imagineer), Brave "goes to show you that if you change directors in the middle of the movie, and one of them is trying to make a female friendly movie, and the other one is just trying to make some weird mythical bear movie, that you can't have a good movie with a female lead". I'm gonna take his word for it as the amount of effort I want to put into researching this movie ends with the one time I watched it in the bath tub while getting ready for a Merida party. Coincidentally, that's about the same amount of effort that Disney/Pixar put into marketing this film.

Poor Merida falls into this weird category where like, I GUESS she's a Disney princess? But she's Pixar? And also she doesn't have a song? Which is one of the key elements to being a Disney princess. I understand that the actual "rules" to be a Disney princess are that you either have to: 1. Be born into royalty, 2. Marry into royalty, or 3. Perform an act of bravery (you're welcome, Mulan), but I feel like the fourth unspoken rule is that you need a really kick ass musical number. Regardless, Merida is considered part of the official princess line-up, despite oftentimes being overlooked.
Anyway, I love bears but I hate Brave.

This outfit was a real BEAR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA to think of because I found this film and its characters so uninspiring. I also knew that my options were really limited with this film because of the lack of memorable characters that are not bears. And honestly the lack of memorable characters that are bears. The movie all around isn't that memorable. I decided that I needed a bound that would be just as forgettable and uncomfortable to sit through, so I wore wool in the dead of summer in Southern California.

The base of this outfit, what came to me known as "lazy Jasmine" after I took off all the accessories, is a simple teal pencil skirt and crop top. Over that, I layered a plaid wool scarf, which I belted at the waist with a super cute wide wrap belt. To really drive home the fact that I am the real Merida, I threw on an archery pin because, you know, she does that. I also added a bear purse to remind everyone that Merida somehow turned her entire family into bears? I'm still not exactly sure what happened there. I highly considered wearing a wig for this look, but then I couldn't bring myself to be one of those people, so I just threw on an orange beret that I had from the year I told my sister I liked berets so she gave me "the 12 berets of Christmas". Luckily for you, everything I just mentioned is made so easily available for purchase on my Amazon Storefront
here. My favorite part of this look was the adorable Haku boots from BAIT Footwear. I honestly could not say enough amazing things about BAIT. I have never purchased an uncomfortable pair of shoes from them. Yes, they're expensive, but believe me when I tell you the quality is absolutely worth it, Finally, for this look I busted out my real actual glasses that I actually am supposed to wear every day but definitely don't because WOW they're green and they go with the look and maybe I wanted to actually see that day.
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