The evil step sisters from Cinderella have to be some of the most fun villains of all time, and I'm not just talking in Disney's version. Across the board these characters are iconic- whether it be in one of Disney's many versions of Cinderella, in Sondheim's Into the Woods, or in Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella on Broadway, these two sisters will have you rolling with laughter.

The piece that we decided to base our outfits around was our enormous sun hats. Wearing enormous sun hats as part of a bound has been a dream of mine for so long, and I've attempted to incorporate one to many looks, but it has just never worked out. The particular hats we settled on were from Amazon and can be found in myAmazon Storefront. Since the hats were going to be such a statement piece, we then decided that we would go with pants rather than dresses for the look. My pants were from Pinup Girl Clothing, and Autumn's were from Unique Vintage- we're sisters, not twins. for out tops we layered some cute tie up tops from Le Bomb Shop with cropped sweaters from MAK so we could really achieve the two toned look that is so iconic from Anastasia and Drizella.
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